So what's next-what comes after a life of work?

This could be you.

You are about to retire. What does your work day look like? Well, your work day rolls along like waves at the beach, the day begins and the work rolls in and then the day finishes.

Now imagine you’re retired and it’s midday, not quite lunchtime. What has happened so far today? Oh look at what you’ve achieved:

·      Got up early and went to the gym.     

·      Totally kept up to the minute with the daily news cycle  

·      Read all the WhatsApp chats and Facebook posts

·      Put some time into the tax return

All good. Now what might happen after lunch?

·      Will a friend call and suggest a catch-up coffee?

·      Is it worth seeing a movie?

Who knows, but the big question is this: will tomorrow and the next day and the next day look just like this?

It doesn’t have to. If you can locate your meaning/purpose in retirement then a retirement day can transform into a rich landscape of possibilities for you.

This course will help you to locate your meaning/purpose. Sign up: